Phases Changes Like Season Changes!

Business growth is the desire of every business owner but understanding the major phases that affect business growth is also important. We looked at the Rapid growth phase, today we would take a look at the plateau phase. This refers to a period of zero or very limited growth that continues for a while. Factors

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Life Is A Process!

During the week I met a few business owners who are concerned about the growth of their businesses. Do you also feel you are giving so much but your progress is so slow? Life is a process! Are you aware there is no straight line in business growth? There would be highs and lows which

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Invest In Training Programs

The landscape of business is changing at the speed of light, with the emergence of technology and its effect on all sectors. Training and development are important management tools that aid organizational growth. Growth does not come without seeking knowledge and you cannot grow beyond what you know, neither can your staff or followers. Training

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Ventilate Your Failure! (Part 3)

I chose to focus on this subject of failure because of the issue of suicide on the rise. Due to the type of society we live in, somebody is always feeling everybody is fine and doing great. But is everybody really fine? Or some have chosen to act their part well, pretending all is ok,

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Ventilate Your Failure! (Part 2)

Your mind is the greatest battleground to conquer when you have experienced any type of failure or set back. You have to embrace the right mindset to be able to weather the storm. If you are totally defeated in your mind there is no way to move forward. It can be a tough moment but

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Welcome To Datina Designs

We are one of the top fashion and clothing Houses in Nigeria. With our outstanding, competent stylists, and our seasoned and classy tailors, we aim to continually make trendy, well-tailored, and cut-to-fit outfits for all sexes and ages that best fit and define everyone. Our clothing line is indeed a variety of unsurpassed and superlative

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The Speaking Power of Fashion

Everyone, regardless of gender, age and status does have what they believe to be their personal style when it comes to being fashionable. Owning one’s personal style is not a bad idea because it shows off our diversity and uniqueness in taste. The only major issue with fashion that needs to be taken cognizance of

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Failure Should Be Ventilated! (Part 1)

Ventilate the feeling of being stuck! Learn how to breathe even when all seems to be crumbling. It’s an event! It’s not a permanent experience except if you choose to make it so. Show me a man who has never failed at anything then I would show you a man who is going nowhere to

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Failure Should Be Ventilated! (Part 1)

Ventilate the feeling of being stuck! Learn how to breathe even when all seems to be crumbling. It’s an event! It’s not a permanent experience except if you choose to make it so. Show me a man who has never failed at anything then I would show you a man who is going nowhere to

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